
1st Official Blog Birthday

Exactly one year ago today I made the decision to start blogging again, but this time, full-time. I don't mean as a full-time job, per se, but more as I'd blog as much as possible and hopefully daily. When I started my blog in 2011, I focused on writing about fashion and the collections that I was loving. It didn't really take off and I pretty much quit once I started working for Everlane. Then a year later I started getting into makeup and skincare (thanks Nina) and something just clicked. This time around, I got noticed. Slowly and surely my blog got bigger and yesterday I hit 1000 Bloglovin' followers (best 1 year present ever?!).

A lot of things have happened to me in this past year:

· I dropped out of college officially to pursue my greatest passion: photography.
· I made some incredible friendships both here in the US and overseas ()
· I was featured in Lucky Magazine's 14 San Francisco Style Bloggers to Bookmark Right Now
· I bought the camera of my dreams (and am saving up for the lens of my dreams)
· I've gotten quite a few amazing photography gigs with the likes of Intermix and True&Co
· I've become so much more comfortable in my skin / I've learned so much about myself

And with that, a lot of thanks goes to every single person who reads my blog. Although this is a very personal blog to me, so much of this would not have happened without you guys.

I'm continually thankful for every comment, email, tweet, compliment that I receive. I promised myself in the beginning that I'd always stay true to myself within this little online space and so far, so good. This is more than just a blog to me. It's the one place I have full creative freedom. The one place that I can write to my hearts content about my life and everything that goes along with it, and for that, I am so grateful. To know that people care enough to read this all is still so crazy, but gah, thank you guys so much for making this past year absolutely incredible for me.

To show my thanks, I've put together a giveaway. I've been thinking about what to do for quite a while now and this is what I've come up with. I wanted to give away something(s) that actually had a bit of meaning — so what I've chosen to do is giveaway a handful of my all time favorite products ever. A little makeup kit, dauphine style. Because I know some people prefer certain makeup items over others, the winner will be able to pick between a soft-focus face powder or créme-liquid highlighter + a dusty rose powder blush or a peachy pink cream blush (+ you get the other things too). Here is everything I've chosen(!!!):

BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector in Moonstone or Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Dim Light
NARS Douceur blush or Jouer Bare Tint
♡ MAC Era + Patina eyeshadows
MAC Patisserie Lipstick
Oribe Texturizing Spray (travel size)
♡ LUSH Silky Underwear Dusting Powder
+ a few little cute extras as a surprise!

The links above will take you to my reviews, for those that don't have links, I'll be sure to review them within the next month :3 even though I haven't reviewed some of them, I promise you they are in my all time top 10 favorite products! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway The reason this giveaway is until the end of July is because that will give me enough time to save up for everything I'm giving away, yay! This giveaway is international, of course, so anyone can enter! Also, let me know if you'd like me to do a face of the day post using these products.

I hope everyone is as excited as I am about this. I really do believe in giving back to those that have been here for me in the past year. So here's to another year of photos, makeup, and happiness. Good luck! 


Due to unforseen life things — this giveaway is now going to be ending in September. I'm going to run this until the end of July (as I stated earlier), but the winner won't be receiving anything until Sept! Unfortunately life has it's silly way of making other things priority, so I hope you guys can understand. <3


  1. Even though I knew about this, this is very exciting and ofc I had to enter!



  2. I was here for the birth of the blog and you inspired me to start my own blogs and you are wonderful and you deserve every success because you work so hard at what you do and yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY THE DAUPHINE! :3

    1. AH. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT HAS BEEN A YEAR. Thank you for being here ALWAYS <3333333 xxxx

  3. Congratulations, Chelsea! :)

    I came across your blog via someone else's blog linking to yours and fell in love right away. Been lurking for months but just followed on Twitter yesterday, sensing something exciting was afoot. Here's to another year!

    1. Hahaha, must be ESP you have then. You totally knew this was coming! Thank you Liz! x

  4. Congrats on the 1000 followers! I found you through my sister/Fluther and absolutely fell in love with your blog, and I've been following ever since!

    I'm in the process of starting a nail art blog (http://polishedandproper.tumblr.com/) and my e-mail is mjtepper@gmail.com.

    1. MADDIE! I love your sister :) and you! Thank you so much for following and I will most definitely check out your blog! Woot! x

  5. Hey there, Chels!

    I'm pretty sure I found you through Essie Button's blog (you're in the nice blogs section), which is one of my favourite beauty-related blogs as well. I also really enjoy your fashion posts (I think I reblogged your "stressed, depressed but well dressed" photo on tumblr, like, a thousand times). You also helped me a lot with realising that my fears were not something to be ashamed of and that everyone can live with anxiety happily, just like you do. I cannot wait for more photos to come since you have your dream camera now and perhaps, maybe, by a mistak, I'll win this beautiful set.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

    1. Hey K, thank you so much for this comment, seriously. Things like this make me so happy + make me realize why I love blogging so much. Anxiety is such a huge part of my life and who I am so to help make others feel a little more comfortable with theirs just makes me so happy. <3 xx

  6. Thanks for doing such a great giveaway! I ended up finding your blog through google after searching for a product review... and I've been following ever since.

    Email: morejmh@yahoo.com
    Blog: Jillicious Cosmetics

    1. Of course :) I wanted to do something fun/exciting for everyone! Thanks for following me too :) x

  7. Congratulations and Happy Blogging Birthday, I came across you blog a little while ago and I have to say it's amazing. I love your product reviews, they are so informative and your pictures are stunning!!


    1. Thank you Claire! Means so much to me :3 x

  8. Congratulations! Seeing posts like this inspire me to persevere with blogging, well done for your achievements over the past year aswell :) xx

    1. :) Go for it girl! It's totally worth all the hard work <3

  9. Congrats congrats! One year is an incredible accomplishment, as is gaining 1000 followers on bloglovin! You really have a wonderful blog and I've been spending time reading through your past posts! Keep up the incredible work!
    xx Amber
    Lovely Notions

    1. Thank you thank you Amber! Thanks for the lovely compliments :) x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. yay congrats chelsea! I can't believe that was a year ago! I remember reading your post back then! :)

  12. Wow, that's amazing, congratulations! Managed to complete quite a few of these, what a generous giveaway! xx

    1. Also my blog is http://thegravityandshe.blogspot.co.uk and you can contact me at katiepeskett@hotmail.co.uk xx

    2. Thanks Katie! Good luck :) x

  13. Haha! So obviously I had to delete and rewrite my comment because I didn't read the instructions. Here goes take two:

    Congratulations Chels! You totes had me at that 30 random facts about me post. I'm so glad and honoured to have discovered you in your early blogging days because I know you're just going to keep climbing on higher from here. Remember me when you're world famous, gurl. ;) And of course, I entered!

    jemlouise.cheng@gmail.com x

    1. JEM <3 this is so super cute (as are you). Thank you for sticking around, ahhh! xoxoxoxo

  14. Congratulations on your first year anniversary and my my! This looks like a fabulous little giveaway! :)


  15. Ah, congratulations! Your blog is easily one of my faves so well done on hitting the 1000 mark and the one year of blogging too of course :) I very rarely enter giveaways but I could not resist yours, especially since you've put so much thought into it too!
    I honestly cannot remember how I came across your blog, probably through Bloglovin or something!
    My blog is www.girl-with-makeup.blogspot.co.uk, email girlwithmakeup[at]gmail.com!

    1. Emma, thank you! Means a lot to me that you've entered! Wanted this to be something special, ya know! x

  16. I heard about your blog from essiebutton! I've been following you ever sense, I just love your makeup collection and the fact you buy what you really like, not just what is hyped up.

    1. Jefta, totally happy that you see that within my blog! I really do try to personally "curate" what's on my blog with things I genuinely love. So happy that that comes across! x

  17. I'm definitely loving all of the products in the giveaway! :) And of course your blog too!! Good for your for following your passions and dreams. I wish you the best success with your photography and the blog! Email: brianna.aleck@gmail.com

  18. Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I love the MAC Patisserie lipstick, and I would love to try all the other products! Congratulations on celebrating your blog's first birthday. Big accomplishment! I first found your blog by searching for a swatch of something a few months back.

    Love your blog!
    Simple Charm Beauty
    Email: simplecharmbeauty@gmail.com

  19. I think I found your blog through essiebutton's blogroll. I love the products you chose for this giveaway!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This is such a great giveaway! I found your blog from Essie Button's "Nice Blogs" page. I adore your blog (I've been following it on Feedly for a while now), so the chance to try out the products you've been raving about is such a treat. Thanks for the opportunity! :)

  22. Congrats Chelsea! Your photography is so stunning, and I'm so happy that I found your blog! I can't remember how I found it to be honest, but I'm pretty sure it was through a comment you left on another blogger's post! All these products look amazing by the way, I would love to see a post featuring all of them! :)

    ampersaand at hotmail dot com

    1. Thank you so much. Photography is my biggest passion so I'm glad that it translates through this blog. :3 I'll see what I can do about a FOTD with these! x

  23. I found your blog because you are my very dear friend Cello and you post about it a lot on Facebook!! You know where to contact me so I am not going to post my email here. :-)

  24. I found you through essiebutton's blog! I blog here: www.rebeccalately.blogspot.com and my e-mail address is rebeccalately [at] gmail [dot] com.


  25. Fantastic!!! A very happy 1 year anniversary...and congratulations on all of your success and opportunity!!! YAY!!!

  26. This is such an achievement, and well-deserved I might add. You have the most stunning photographs I've ever seen on a beauty blog, seriously. I believe I found you through Meg/Lips So Facto? Yeah, she has you on her list of favorite blogs for sure.

    My blog: http://thenonbrit.blogspot.com/
    Email: thenonbrit@gmail.com

    A serious congratulations again, Chelsea. You have one beautiful blog. :)

  27. Congratulations dear!
    You are so nice to do a giveaway!! I won't be entering though as I never enter them...

  28. happy blog birthday! this is actually one of the few blogs I check regularly, thank you for keeping it :)

  29. Congratulations! You've had a big year, and it you're doing amazing things! Honestly, it's been so long I can't remember how I found your blog! I think it was through Lips So Facto?
    email: ktcourington@gmail.com
    blog: http://collegemakeupbag.blogspot.com/

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Congratulations on 1000+ followers and a year of blogging!!
      Since my blog has been only 6 months old, one year is definitely a long length..
      I've found your blog through Essiebutton's blog - Nice Blogs link and I am so glad I've found yours! As I mentioned before I just looooove your photography, contents and everything.

      My blog: graceofbeauty.com


  31. Congratulations! I found your blog through Twitter.
    email: sueterendy@hotmail.com

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Giiirl such a generous giveaway omg :) I don't recall how I found your blog exactly. I thin I clicked when I saw it on someone's favorites. Your photography is beautiful. Here's my email thebeautymilk@gmail.com

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I believe I stumbled across your blog through someone else's blogroll, and I've always admired your beautifully laid out blog and photos. Thank you for hosting this giveaway. blushandbloom.tumblr.com / talkshowhost [at] live [dot] com

  36. Congratulation, Chelsea! I just recently featured you on my blog as well because I've been loving your blog! A lot happens in a year. :)
    Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more from you in the future.


  37. Hi!! I'be been following your blog for the past half of the year now and I absolutely love it! Please do a FOTD with the products!

    cheryl dot trisha at gmail dot com

  38. To be honest I have no idea how I initially came across your blog!! I think someone had linked you in a blogpost of theirs... something like that :) Wonderful job coming this far with your blog and to many more in the future!! :)


  39. Wow this is such a sweet and thoughtful giveaway. I found your blog via EssieButton and you two are definitely my top two beauty related blogs! I certainly look up to your sense of style as it is very natural and wearable and I love that you really focus on quality over quantity, which is a breath of fresh air in the beauty blogging world!


  40. Happy blog birthday and congrats on 1k! :) I found your blog through Estee (essiebutton.com) I believe after snooping on her blog roll. I, too, have been dedicated to (trying to) blog daily and it's definitely a full time commitment. Thank you for this giveaway! xxx

    Shannon - http://shannonleiMUA.com

  41. this is such a wonderful giveaway! not products you've gotten for free with brands you're collaborating with (not that there's anything wrong with that at all) but products you've hand chosen that are your favourites. it's a really lovely idea and it makes it so much more personal. congratulations on the anniversary and on hitting 1000 followers. :)


  42. You are honestly one of my favorite bloggers. I love your photo composition, how you show how you wear products. Congratulations on your anniversary--you deserve every bit of success. The giveaway looks to-die-for!


  43. Congrats on the blog birthday, and thanks for the awesome giveaway! I found your blog on google while searching for a review on Mac Cut a Caper lipstick, and have been a fan ever since :D

  44. OH MY GOD CHELSEA!!! I'm totally freaking out over here, you sooooo didn't have to do this! Because people love your blog anyway! You're too kind for this world =) But I am gonna enter and keep my fingers crossed!! I'm really excited because a lot of these products aren't available here (like the Hourglass one!!!) and since you always rave about them.. I'm hoping for the best! And of course HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY and like I said before, I hope you'll never stop blogging! :) xxxx


    1. Oooooops I was a bit too fast and commented before entering sooooOoo I think your blog has really become better and better! I came across it about two months ago now and since then I've read every single post haha! =D I love them all but your beauty related posts are my favorite ones!

      Verena xxx


  45. I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago here in Ireland after seeing it on Essie Buttons favorite blogs.

    You run a very lovely blog that I hope to follow for a long time.

    It brings a bit of glamour to rural Ireland!

    Lucy x

  46. Congrats and I found your blog when someone mentioned you on their blog, but I really can't remember who it was, sorry.

    My blog: sparklewithlaughter.blogspot.com
    Email: addsomesparkles@gmail.com

  47. Love your blog. Congrats on reaching one year!


  48. Congrats and thank you for the giveway! What a lovely ensemble! :)

  49. Happy, happy birthday, Chelsea :)! I always enjoy scrolling trough your post, so keep up the good work 'couse you rock :)!


  50. Happy one year! I'm a pretty new follower to your blog and it's definitely one of my favorites. I love reading your posts and the way you take your photos are so nice! I'm so happy I found your blog, I'm really into reading beauty,lifestyle,fashion type blogs and I remember stumbling across your blog through another blogger that was following you. It always makes my day when I see you have another post up :)


  51. You are so different to so many other bloggers of the moment, which is definitely why you deserve the big congrats!


  52. Congratulations on making it big by following your dreams! That is really cool :) I am trying to remember how I found your blog, I usually find them when searching for specific product reviews and finding good blogs that have reviewed that Item.



  53. hi, if I remember well, I was searching for some swatches when I found you. congrats for your blog, have a nice week-end. Orsi from Hungary

  54. Happy birthday! You're blog is already one of my favorites, as you're so chic and I just adore envy thing about it, it's hard for me to think of ways it could get better, but I know that you'll surprise me and I'll keep on loving it for years to come. Congrats!
    xo Lillian parisiantobe.com

  55. Saw it from a link somewhere else and I knew I just had to follow. happy birthday!


  56. I found you whilst googling June faves and fell in love with your blog instantly. Your photography skills are immaculate. You go girl!

  57. I got to your blog through Essiebutton -- and was happily surprised to see you on r/MUA fairly frequently as well! Happy blog birthday!


  58. Congratulations Chelsea!!! I found you through Tumblr :3 Lots of love!!

    xo Emily | Honey Loaf

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Congratulations!

    I don't even remember how I found your blog. It was more than likely through Google while I was looking for a review or swatch of a certain product.

    Also, my e-mail is rikkipoynter@gmail.com and my blog is http://rikkipoynter.blogspot.com

  61. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway! You're a new favorite blog of mine. xx

  62. I can't actually remember how I found your blog! Perhaps browsing on bloglovin...

  63. In all honesty, I have no idea how I came across your blog! I've been following your blog for awhile now! Thanks for the great giveaway, it's very generous! My email is natalieheatherdavis at gmail dot com

  64. Hi, I first found your blog through essiebutton and I regularly went back ever since. I love the pictures on your blog :-) keep up the good work :-)

    Blog: Fresh Off(f) the Boat

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Your blog is pretty adorable Chelsea! I saw your post on FB and have been happily browsing it all morning. Your writing is really very eloquent and relatable and your photography is amazing as well. Congrats on sticking it out this long and all your much-deserved success! Hope the next year brings you even bigger things. And we should totally get together and discuss big, crazy curly hair woes sometime :)

  67. I found you while google searching makeup tips. I love your classy style! Happy 1st Blog birthday!

  68. Hello Dauphie,

    I came across your blog to read your review about the Mac lipstick creme in your coffee, i am quite sure because it was just 2 weeks ago :D

    And I was only planning to read that review but than i loved the pictures you put up and decided to read your other posts as well. By now i can definitely say that reading your posts feels as though listening to you talk about life and i love it. And that's certainly why you've reached 1000 followers on bloglovin! Congratulations and Happy birthday to your blog!!! (^▽^)

    All in all, i wish you to keep on doing what you love and hope that blogging keeps being something that you love doing. (:

    Sadly i don't have a blog but a tumblr; dublex.tumblr.com - e.cinnie@gmail.com

    (p.s. i would really love you to do a fotd)

    Best wishes from a stranger to another,
    Dublex. (pınar)

  69. Hello!

    I stumbled upon your blog from bloglovin' :)

    Congratulations on your one year accomplishment! Your post was really inspiring because I just started blogging again as well.

    I love reading your beauty posts because they are so informative! I just started to blog a little bit about makeup and beauty in hope to improve my beauty skills :)

    My blog is: http://playbackfilm.blogspot.com
    and my email is playback film@gmail.com

    I hope to win your giveaway because all of those are products I've never used before and I would love to try it!

    Thanks for hosting an awesome giveaway! Congrats again!!

  70. Oh this is exciting, CONGRATULATIONS :) I found you on Bloglovin' and decided to enter. I'm having a beauty giveaway as well, feel free to take a look if you're interested in participating! http://www.spectacularshe.com/beauty-essentials-giveaway-signups/



  71. You are amazing. We have just created our blog. It would mena to us if you check it out :) Tnx http://alltheselittlethings1.blogspot.com/

  72. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I can't wait to see where my blog will be in a years time. x

    Adrienne | Late Night Nonsense

  73. I found your blog through Chelsea at Zipped! Your blog is lovely, congrats on reaching your goal :)
    My blog is corinnes-closet.blogspot.com
    email corinneelaine2011@gmail.com

  74. Happy belated blog anniversary! Super excited when you come visit NYC! A trip to catbird is a must! x


  76. congrats! i found your blog on bloglovin randomly (:

    whiterabbit12345 at yahoo dot com

  77. Congratulations! I love your blog. I believe I first found you on reddit when you posted a product review. :)

  78. Congratulations on 1000 followers, you deserve every single one! I found your blog through Essiebuttons 'nice blogs' section :)


  79. Yaaay! Congratulations! Your blog is one of my favorites and a true inspiration! Well done. x

  80. Happy Blog Birthday!! I discovered your blog a while ago through another blog, and since then I take a look at it every day :) I like your style in beauty and photography very very much! It's nice to hear that you're still doing what you truly love

    Keep it up! x

  81. I originally found your blog through reddit, but followed on bloglovin' right away!

    my blog is www.itsalina.com if you want to check it out!


  82. I found your blog through essiebutton's blog. I've been loving your blog ever since.


  83. I found your blog on Reddit in the makeupaddiction subreddit. I think the quality of photos on your blog really set it apart from others. I'm a sucker for simple elegance!

  84. Dear Chelsea, so good to hear that you have reached many milestones the past year whether it was small or big! I always love your photos on your blog (so talented!). truly inspiring to see you pursue your dreams :) as a young woman about to step out into the real world soon, I find this blog post especially relatable! Keep up the good work you are doing right now! and Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

    p.s. i'm still saving up for the camera I want to get and still looking for which camera to get! sigh poor college student status. Thanks for your recommendations last time! :)

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. all the beauty blogs lead me to your blog. you have street cred for sure 'round here.

    -- http://talkingwithyourclothes.tumblr.com/

  87. Congratulations on all your success! Although I'm a newer reader, I've really enjoyed your blog in the month of June and what I enjoy the most is your personality. Whether it is on your blog, Tumblr, or Twitter you just seem like a very caring and sweet person. I'm so glad I found your blog through Estée's blog. Keep up the great work and being a source of inspirations to many bloggers like myself.


  88. Congratulations Chelsea! I have only recently started reading your blog but I love it and really look forward to it every time..I think I came across it through Estee's blog.


  89. Yay, Congratulations!!! Absolutly love your blog and your photography style is so dainty, I absolutely love it! <3
    I found your blog last January when I was searching for reviews on the YSL Le Teint Touch Eclait foundation and fell in LOVE with your blog ever since xxx

  90. Congrats on your beautiful blog, Chelsea! This is a great giveaway... I absolutely love so many of the products in it!

  91. This is a GREAT giveaway! I've recently become obsessed with your blog and can only wish you the best :) leximrrtt@gmail.com

  92. I said it on Twitter already but congratulations once again! Your blog has become one of my absolute favourites and I always look forward to reading new posts from you! And what an incredible and generous giveaway, I think almost everything you've included is on my wish list right now!

  93. Congratulations on your one year of blogging, you should be so proud of what you have achieved.

    I can't really remember how I found your blog, I think it was on one of those 'blogs I love' lists of which incidentally yours features upon my own list :)

    I would love to enter your give away please.

    Amy xx
    A Little Boat Sailing

  94. I've just found your blog today via a giveaway tweet and it's gorgeous, I'll be sticking around for sure!
    Congrats on a year of blogging :)
    mustbeadreamer [at] hotmail.co.uk

    Jess xo

  95. Happy Anniversary!!

    Great GA!! I,ve found your blog through google search.
    Email: glossylala@gmail.com



  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Hi, I´ve found your blog reading another blog, don´t remember wich one, sorry..
    Please do a look with the giveaway products!

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. https://www.youtube.com/user/DandelionsandStars

    I post Youtube videos! Go subscribe as it will mean the world to me and I will reallllyy appreciate that. I write too!! :)


    Anyway, I really like the colour of the Mac lipstick. It looks like a pretty nude colour! :)

  101. Hi, i've found your blog from Essie Button's blog, i don't remember if she mentioned you or something but i just remember this part :D

  102. Yay! Congratulations, Chelsea! What a wonderful achievement and I hope to one day have the same success with my blog too. Blogging is something I'm so passionate about and it's just been the funnest creative outlet for me. I think I discovered yours through Hannah's blog, A City Beyond The Sea, and naturally, I was intrigued by the name The Dauphine because who isn't obsessed with Marie Antoinette?! Haha. Totally entered your giveaway as it'd be such a dream to win all those luscious beauty products. So thoughtful and generous of you!


  103. I found your blog through recommended blogs on my bloglovin. And I'm so very glad I did. Your blog is absolutely lovely and I wish you all the best.

    Dejhana | Waite A Little

  104. I found your blog through Essie Button and I'm so glad I did! Congrats on the one year x

  105. Well done hun!

    I found your blog through Essie's


  106. I just started following today and I love your blog already. Great job and Congrats!

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Congrats to your blog + followers, what an amazing success! I found your blog by searching up swatches of the Stila convertible blush because I'm thinking in investing in one. I'm either thinking Lillium (which really looks good on you) or Gladiola. Follow via Faceboook: Kristina Lora D & my email is christina_dra@hotmail.com

  109. I have no idea how I found your blog, but I'm glad I did! I think I probably found you through Chelsea from ZIPPED :) Congratulations on keeping with this blog for a year. That's a great milestone, especially since blogging consistently is quite hard. My email is amarisafloria@gmail.com and my blog is afloria.blogspot.com! I've been wanting to blog consistently for quite some time now.

  110. I have no idea how I found your blog, I've been following for ages! my blog is dancingthroughthefire.com :) xx

  111. I also found your blog through Essiebutton and I'm so very glad I did! Your taste is impeccable :)

    1. And of course, my email is maija.inkala@gmail.com.


  112. Amazing giveaway ! Love your blog so much, congrats on all the success !

    Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World

  113. I found your blog through EssieButton. She has a little section of her favorite bloggers.

  114. Happy blog birthday! And what a lovely blog it is...

  115. Happy blog birthday love your blog!

  116. Happy 1st Birthday! This blog is so great, and I'm incredibly glad to have found it by chance while perusing tumblr - Nicole Loher replied to an ask regarding her favorite blogs and The Dauphine was the first one I clicked.

  117. I found your blog through a tweet about the giveaway! I really love it so far!


  118. I found your blog through Reddit and I'm so happy I did! Happy blog birthday!

  119. Happy Blog Birthday! I found your blog through MarionHoney. (email: chloe_j_may@hotmail.co.uk)

  120. I found your blog through Lips So Facto - so glad I did! Happy birthday blog! :)



  121. Love your blog and would love to win this. :P
    Paris x

  122. I found your blog through Kate from Gh0stparties and Estee from Essiebutton! Your blog is really unique, I love it. :)

  123. I found you through Kate, love your blog and photography so much! xx

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  124. I found your blog when I was searching for a makeup review.

    email: carvalholaila70@gmail.com

  125. Hey!
    I found your blog through gh0stparties!

    email: emmalgordon@hotmail.com

  126. I found your blog through gh0stparties!

  127. I found your blog through gh0stparties and absolutely love it!

    My email is emilywilson175@live.com



  128. Just like the girls above me, I stumbled upon thedauphine.com through Kate from ghostparties recommendation. And I'm so glad I clicked on your link because you have great, faultless photography. Judging by that, your simple but well organised blog design gives me the impression that you're a classy gal with great taste in cosmetics. So I instantly followed you on bloglovin. :)

    I made a mistake when I entered my bloglovin url. It's actually www.bloglovin.com/SlavetoVanity I hope my entry is still qualified. Sorry for the mistake. I accidently gave you a url but it had numbers on it, instead of my username so I don't think you would have been able to verify if I had followed you. But I did. :)

    Happy 1st blog anniversary. Congratulations with your 1000+ followers. You truly deserve every single one of them. So just keep blogging and I'll continue to support you Chelsea. :)

    1. sorry. I forgot to add my email and blog link.
      Blog link: slavetovanity.blogspot.com
      Email: diane.joaquin@yahoo.com

  129. congrats! I learned about this blog through essie button

  130. Just come across your blog thanks to Kate and gh0stparties and it's stunning! Happy blog birthday :)

    Katie xo

  131. desktop background is so cute!

  132. buseonen94@gmail.com

    love from Turkey :D

  133. Congrats on une bonne annee! I don't know how I found you, probably looking for a review?, but I did and I love your blog.


  134. Hi! I'm also a photographer (still amateur, in my case) and i'd love to know which are the camera and lens you're talking about, if you don't mind... and i really love your blog, congrats! Kisses from Portugal*

    1. I just bought a Canon 5D and am going to be buying a Canon EF 24-105mm f/4l lens! (I have photography info in my FAQ as well!

  135. Congratulations on the birthday!

    email: sanaawarhol@gmail.com

  136. wow. it;s my birthday so hope I win.... I always come looking for yiur blog. there is something so calming abt it :)
    one of my favs for sure!

  137. Happy birthday to the dauphine!!! Congratulations!


  138. Kate from Gh0stparties sent me - loving what I've been reading so far :)

    Kate x

  139. Gh0stparties sent me, loving your blog gurl!

  140. I found your giveaway through a tweet on twitter!!

    Tammy Dalley on rafflceopter

  141. A friend told me to come over and check you out. I think she found you through a tweet on twitter :D Sydney D :D

    andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com

  142. I found it through twitter! :) (I am sydney d lol) ^^

  143. I found your blog through Reddit! ^-^

    email: jojosaldana_15@yahoo.com

  144. Hi Chelsea! I found your blog through Kate's blog, Gh0stparties! Your photographs are beautiful and very crisp!


  145. I just enjoyed your blog a lot.
    photos are fantastic!
    please keep doing this.


  146. Wow,
    that's a tough one. I guess I've just stumbled upon it while looking for a review or maybe be from a feed on another blog. Don't know -but I"m sure glad that I did.

  147. love your blog! found you through the lovely Essiebutton :)

  148. I can't believe I've only just found your blog now, it's beautiful! And this is possibly the most generous blog giveaway I've seen


  149. Hello! I found you through Essiebutton, and so happy I did!

  150. congratulations on 1 year!

  151. Congrats! So glad to have recently discovered your blog!


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