
Diptyque Do Son Eau de Toilette

Diptyque Do Son Eau de Toilette · $90 (50ml)

I rarely stray from my go-to scents. They're familiar and comfortable and I love them but sometimes a perfume comes around and I just can't say no. I kindly blame Zack for getting me this beauty in solid-form for Christmas. I tried to make that thing last as long as possible but like, it's such an amazing smell that I wanted to constantly apply it all over myself. Whoops.

So I gave in, as one does, and took a little trip to the Diptyque store. If you haven't been to one, go. It's a magical place — I can assure you that much. Luckily it was one of those "I already know what I want so hopefully I won't get sucked into anything else" type shopping trips. I left with one beautiful 50ml bottle of Do Son and I swear I was so excited I must have skipped the entire way home.

My favorite part about Do Son (other than the smell, duh) is the description that Diptyque has on their site. It goes a little something like:

"Relief from the sweltering climate, a pagoda on the shores of Ha Long Bay, where trade winds tenderly caress the flowers. A name that sings, undulating like waves upon a beach. Do Son is an eau de toilette rich with contrast, exuding the fresh, intoxicating sensuality of tuberose."

And if that doesn't make you at least a little intrigued about Do Son, I'm not sure what will. Pop into your nearest Diptyque and let your nose do all the work. Oh, and let me know your favorite Diptyque scents!


  1. I have the Eau de Parfum of this!!! Gorgeous scent - it is so unique and feminine!

  2. I have a tiny sample of this and I'm savoring every use I can get out of it! It smells so incredible

    Allison from www.mercuteify.com

  3. I'm definitely intrigued by what this would smell like! I will have to try it out next time I'm at the Diptyque counter.


  4. I really want to purchase a Diptyque perfume, but I'm a bit nervous about picking the wrong scent! Their packaging is so gorgeous, so I think I definitely need to take the plunge and get one :)

    Bramble & Thorn

  5. I love the sound of this scent, I'm definitely going to have to go and have a sniff of it myself!
    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  6. There are three bottles standing on a department store counter arranged according to size. The tallest one is called an eau de toilette. Cologne


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