
Photo Inspiration: Wildfox PJs + Daisy's Girls

Every time a new wildfox collection (or two) is announced I feel obligated to at least post something about it/them. Back when I first started my blog, Wildfox was one of the few brands I kept and eye on and wrote about or featured. I can't help myself. I'll forever be enamored.

The newest additions? A line of gorgeous and comfy-looking pjs coming in October, designed by Leilani Shimoda + the ever-lovely Kimberley Gordon. File under things I probably don't need but still want anyway.

And while I'm still kicking myself for not getting anything from the Marie Antoinette line in 2011, Daisy's Girls might just be what I need to redeem myself. The Great Gatsby is back in the form of dreamy clothing. Whether or not you like the book, this collection is undoubtedly adorable. Must. Hold. Back.

photos via ilovewildfox


  1. Oh its all just so dreamy and beautiful xo

  2. These are so lovely. I'm a big fan of Wildfox!

  3. that black trimmed sleep shirt looks so comfortable and cute. I like to believe that one day I'll make enough money to justify spending however much that will cost on something I'm just going to be sleeping in... one day...


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