
moodboard: trois

"I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. My attachments are always excessively strong."

I've got to admit, moodboarding is easily one of my favorite ways to relax and de-stress. Putting together mini-collages of beautiful photos + things I'm currently coveting? There's just something so soothing about it, almost lulling. 

I'm heading to New Jersey for 21 days or so in August and these smelling salts might be what I need to get through the five hour flight. While I love the Bumble and bumble Surf Spray this Sachajuan Ocean Mist has intrigued me quite a bit. I think it would work a little better with my hair type, too. Ann-Ya Pink Marbled Leather Cat Coasters — no need for explanation. 

Still obsessed with peach (and nudes, it seems) not sure what even sparked this random infatuation but whatever, I'm going with it. Burberry Brit EDT was the first perfume I ever fell in love with and the first I ever purchased (7 years ago!!). Currently missing it — thanks nostalgia. Still coveting the hamsa bracelet and feeling slight regret not buying it while I was hanging out at Intermix. Samoan Sand is my current nail color obsession. Hopefully it'll arrive by Friday. I'm impatient

photos via alenalipatova + emilola  


  1. I love looking through moodboards... it's something that seems like fun to do but I've never gotten into it myself!! The nudes here are great though; perfect type of palette for the summer heat :)


  2. I love your mood boards. And OPI Somoan Sands is easily one of my favorite nudes. Perfect for a clean and polished look!


    1. Ah this makes me so happy because I'm never sure if people like these (though I do) xx

  3. I actually love looking at moodboards but I never do them myself. Probably a thing I might have to get into. Lovely moodboard though and I love the nudes as well :)

  4. I've been looking for a good nude polish. Maybe I'll have to check out OPI Samoan Sands.


  5. Oh my gosh this moodboard is loooove. I want the hamsa bracelet and the Burberry Brit! :3


  6. Hope you have a safe flight (and trip)!

  7. I personally love your moodboards. I'm loving the nudes and the shades of blue in this latest moodboard, it looks very peaceful and serene. Hope you have a safe flight to New Jersey!


    1. Thank you Laura! <3 <3 it's so incredibly calming to make these, especially when the colors are so soft and lovely. The funny thing is I find myself consistently drawn to products that are in the same color range without even realizing! x


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