
Chanel Stylo Yeux Waterproof Liner in Beryl

Now I'm not one to get soaked up in limited edition lipsticks or blushes, to be fair, I'm not really one to care for limited edition anything. Unless something really catches my eye, I try not to succumb to the hype. That said, when Chanel released its Spring Collection I was basically sobbing from the immense amount of lust I was feeling. 

Beryl is an extremely beautiful pale lavender eyeliner that is supposed to brighten and widen your eyes. Your peepers may even look a little whiter, according to the lovely Lisa Eldridge. Something about the not-so-traditional color literally make me squeal and I knew I had to have it... so I bought two. I'm pretty sure it's literally the most ridiculous purchase I've ever made makeup-wise but god I couldn't help myself (and to be fair, I'll probably gift it to my mom). I was just afraid I'd love it so much and never be able to get it again — lol at me saying that I'm not one to get sucked into limited edition releases. Right, keep telling yourself that. No, but seriously. It's so lovely for spring and adds just a little something extra to your eyes that is a nice change from the normal white or nude liner. 

If you're interested you should totally check out your nearest department store/Chanel counter and try to snatch 'em up before they're gone forever. 

What do you guys think of this liner? What hypes have you gotten sucked into?
PS - Sorry for lack of eyeliner-on-me photo, my camera was being quiiiite uncooperative (I blame the sun)


  1. I totally do that -- I'll buy backups of my favourite LE items and tell myself I'll give them away. Funny part is, I'll hang on to them for a year and realize that I'm not ever going to finish them anyway. Then it'll go to my mom =P

  2. i swatched that in the store yesterday, totally prepared to buy it, and then couldn't because it just turned out pinky on my skin tone. maybe i'm too yellow for it? i'll have to keep my eye out for something that's more of a true lavender, hope you like it!

    1. Hmm, that's super weird, especially because I'm pretty yellow-toned! It is a bit more pink-ish swatched on my hand than when it's on my water line though! x

    2. how curious, maybe i'll have to give it another look

  3. Oooo that sounds absolutely lovely!! I would have never thought of that color for the waterline but now I may have to check this out... thanks for sharing the lust :)


  4. okay. love this review. and now we must get this.
    thanks for sharing!

    xo. c & v
    cake & valley

  5. Ouuu, I watched that Lisa Eldridge video as well, but really, that woman can pull off anything so I was a bit wary. It does look gorgeous though...... Chelsea - you are going to make me go broke!


  6. I have been loving the pale liners on the lower lash line lately. I'll have to check this out :)

  7. I have been trying to convince myself that I don't need this, but it is so hard to restrain myself and you make it sound so lovely. Curse you!

  8. I just started using the pale liners a few days ago, I am on a mission to find some great ones. Thanks for sharing this post!

    Xo, Janelle GlamorousMama


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