
American Apparel Nail Polish in Office

I like American Apparel. Their clothes are comfy and even though they don't suit my body shape, I still buy all their skirts. Oops. I was never one to who was interested in their nail polishes and accessories because I feel like no one talks about them (and I guess in my mind that made them less... good?). Then last week I placed an order for said skirt, needed a few more $$ to get free shipping, and popped a nail polish in my cart. Let me just say: I wasn't expecting much.

I was pleasantly surprised — the color was absolutely fantastic, application was a breeze, and so far I've been wearing it for FIVE DAYS. My nails look like THAT after FIVE DAYS. Stunned. As much as I love their color range/names, Essie polishes last anywhere from 1-4 days for me which is not good at all. I don't actually have time to sit around every other day and give myself a manicure. I'm hoping I can last a good week before this starts to really chip off and if that's the case, you can bet your buns that I'll be buying a few more of these little puppies. For the price, I can't really complain either. Cheaper than Essie! I'm so down.

What do you guys think of AA polishes? What are your favorite shades?


  1. I have the same one! It's a gorgeous color!



  2. Same experience with AA polishes...they are great value. I really like this shade too for spring!


  3. I love the American Apparel neon polishes! This is a beautiful shade you have!

    http://hannahrebekahcampbell.blogspot.com xxx

  4. I actually hear about AA nail polishes all the time and how lovely they are :) I've always been very tempted to buy some but lord knows I don't need any more polishes in my life haha.


  5. I WANT this polish. Super pretty:) xx

  6. I was really trying to avoid this one. I mean, do I really need a seventh mint nail polish? By the looks of it, I do! It has the perfect amount of pastel in it. So pretty. :3


  7. I've never tried American Apparel nail polishes but now I really want to! That colour looks beautiful!

  8. I didn't even KNOW that AA had a range of nail polishes! I've tried one Essie polish in the past and it lasted ONE day on me before it started chipping. I wasn't impressed at all, especially for the price I paid for it.

  9. I adore that colour!




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