
MAC Capricious

MAC Capricious · $15* (this was a gift)

Ahhhh, Capricious. I've been wanting this lipstick for a long time, but last time I went to MAC they were out so I settled on Plumful and Rebel. Hilariously enough, Richard read my blog when trying to figure out Christmas gifts for me, saw that I wanted this, and bought it for me. Talk about a keeper! 

I absolutely love love loooooove this color because of it's versatility. It's just dark enough to be a great autumn and winter color, but still light enough to be worn in spring. It's an easy color, if you will; no need to really think about it and it goes with just about everything. MAC describes it as a "fanciful rose plum" which kind of made me laugh — not sure about the fanciful part, but it's definitely a beautiful plummy rose. Lustre is one of my favorite finishes as well; I just find them moisturizing and really easy to wear (especially if you've got dry lips!!). I have a thing for berry colors as of late, if you couldn't already guess, so I'm super excited to have this as the newest addition to my collection. 

I'm on a serious MAC lipstick kick too so if you've got any recommendations, please let me know. I'm thinking Patisserie or Maple next? Although not berry colors, they're unlike anything I have at the moment! Also, what do you guys think of Capricious?!


  1. This is beautiful. I can see why you were lusting after this color for so long. It looks great on you. Props to Richard for being really observant!

    I'd love to wear this color, but I'm not sure I can pull it off because I have small lips. I feel like I'm stuck wearing only neutrals, but I might have to give this one a try.

    1. You should give it a try because you never know what might look good until you try it :) x

    2. I actually bought it yesterday! (I'm the one who was going to go to lush too who requested the long, really beautiful list from you) Lush was closed because I guess they're moving their store (I'm going to have to order online for now, sigh), but I did stop by mac. I am also in LOVE with this color. I seriously didn't think it would look great on me, but it's the only "darker" color that I've been able to pull off.

      Thanks for your review tons! I am really loving this one. :)

  2. This shade has been on my to buy list for a while now. So pretty and looks beautiful on you lovely:)

    Sara x

  3. Very nice lipstick, this color looks great on you!

  4. This shade is beautiful, I'd never heard of it before this post but, safe to say, that it's made it's way right at the top of my wishlist! xx

    1. Woo! Yeah it's a really awesome color that seems to get overlooked — not sure why! I'd love to see you review it! x

  5. It suits you perfectly!
    I've never heard of this one before actually, but I might try out next time I go into MAC!

    xoxo elín

  6. Just my kind of colour! It looks suttle and suits brunettes so much!


  7. This looks great on you Chelsea! I adore Lustre finishes as well. They are versatile and non drying on me. Been loving Plumful this winter so I think I would enjoy Capricious as well. Too bad I am on a no-buy until the 1st of March eeek. It was necessary but I find myself enjoying what I own already. Maybe someone will take pity on me and gift me between now and then haha xx

    1. Thank you Lindsay! If you can't hold out you should totally get this.. or someone else should get it for you. It's such a nice shade!

  8. This looks so gorgeous on you! x

  9. Love that colour

    New outfit post

  10. Beautiful color! I have been searching for a similar shade... And an even better gift!
    xx Emilee Anne

  11. I have never heard of this shade before, it is lovely. x

  12. Since you liked Plumful, I would love your opinion on Brick O La as it is quite popular as of late and in a formula you adore.

  13. I love this color on you! My next MAC purchase has to be Rebel and Tarnish (the eyeliner)...possibly one of the new brow powders. Decisions, decisions! This is my first visit to your blog and I love it. Beautiful!


  14. Capricious looks gorgeous on you!

    I just got this colour today, and low and behold, it's my MLBB colour. Since this is my first MAC lipstick, I think that's a pretty good stroke of luck~

  15. Hello ^.^

    I have plumful but it's a bit bright this is also too? I wanted that mauve-plum muted shade.....


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