
Diptyque Volutes

Diptyque Volutes Eaux de Toilette · $88 (this was a gift)

Firstly let me start out by saying Happy New Year and damn it feels good to be back. I spent the last 2 weeks in England with Richard's family and took a bit of time off from blogging. I'm happy to say I'm super excited to start blogging again as I've missed it (and all of you) tons.  P.S. Thank you to Richard for being so wonderful and getting me this for Christmas!

I've been [sparingly] using a sample of Volutes for a few weeks now and immediately knew I had to have the full size. I love it, Richard loves it, to be honest, who doesn't love it? It's a spicy, warm, and seriously sensual scent. Diptyque describes it as "notes of honeyed Egyptian tobacco, styrax, and leather" and though it may sound a bit odd, it smells absolutely divine. Everything about this just screams my name including the luxurious packaging and adorable illustration. The bottle itself is absolutely beautiful and I've got to say (although I am late to the party) Diptyque has completely stolen my heart. 

The little illustration seems to go with the story Diptyque has about Volutes: "The voyage of your dreams, on board a liner from Marseille to Saigon. A long haul crossing, stopping off at a number of places with magical names, all redolent of adventure and spice. The charm of life on board ship, where time does not exist. The labyrinth of polished passageways and the panelled walls of the lounges, the enigmatic elegant women leaning on the rail on top deck, indulging in the pleasure of Khedive cigarettes. A smell forever imprinted on the memory: Volutes". 

Now please tell me — what's not to love? I'll definitely be looking into more Diptyque products (especially the candles). What are your favorite products by them?


  1. I've been wanting to try this forever! I wish I had a boyfriend who was that nice ;) I'd love it if you'd check out my blog:

    P.S. I love your blog, and have definitely missed you too!

  2. You're back :) I've wanted to pick up one of their scents ever since I discovered them on Essie Button's channel. I absolutely adore the detailing on the label, it's such a gorgeous bottle.

  3. Sounds wonderful, I should try their products sometime!! Happy New year <3

    XO J

  4. This sounds like it smells amazing! I still haven't bought anything from Diptyque I may have to put some on my Birthday list. x

  5. I love the sound of this really interested in getting a Diptyque scent. xx

  6. i missed you!! haha. i'm gonna try and get a sample of this today... EEEE

  7. I am dying to try a diptyque perfume and you have swayed me on this one, sounds amazing. Going to be purchasing this asap!

    Pipp xx



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