
NARS Douceur

NARS Douceur · $28

NARS Douceur is commonly known in the beauty and blogging world as the "instant model cheekbones" blush and I've got to say, that's pretty much true.

NARS describes this blush as a "soft pink-brown" and in the pan it looks like a beautiful dusty pink — but on the face? It's the most perfect rosy shade to give you both a hint of color and a natural contour. I love wearing this on days where I don't want to do too much with my makeup but I do want a little something to pull my look together. One of my favorite things to do is to pair this up with Tarte Exposed; using this to add a little definition while wearing Exposed on the apples of my cheeks.

I love this blush to bits, especially because it gives your cheekbones a bit of a boost while still doing it's job as a blush. This is most definitely one of those blushes you have to have for autumn and winter. It looks beautiful with a bold berry lip color as well as a more natural looking lip. It kind of gives you that I just walked in from the cold type of look and I really think it's just one of the most beautiful (and flattering) blushes out there!

What do you guys think of this color? What are your favorite autumn blushes?


  1. It looks great and you're right it definitely has given you a natural cheekbone look!

    I'm currently running a giveaway where you could win a MAC lipstick of your choice. Please check out my blog if you're interested. :)


  2. This is one of my fave NARS blushes. I also love Sin & Dolce Vita:)

    Sara xx

  3. One of my favorite blushes to sell to clients! Works in so many skin tones! I do have a bias towards sex appeal though...

  4. this is my favourite blush of all time! It does work wonders for cheekbones and is great for those days when you don't really want to spend heaps of time getting ready :)

  5. this is THE nars blush that i want to try, as i haven't bought any yet! looks beautiful on you!

    from helen at www.thelovecatsinc.com // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. make sure you've entered my giveaway to win 30 beauty products inc essie! it's worldwide too, click here!

  6. I love your photography, it's so clear!
    I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! :) Check out my blog for details on what to do next!

  7. hey, I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, check it out here! :) http://inspiredexperimental.blogspot.ca/2012/11/ie-liebster-award.html

    and I love your makeup tutorials, even if I don't wear very much makeup myself! :P

    <3 Jessie

  8. Very pretty!:) What lipstick are you wearing on this photo? I love the color.

  9. I've pondered about getting this - it looks lovely on you :) I only have Orgasm but I really want to build up a NARS blush collection - the quality of their blushes has really impressed me :)

  10. Your blog is lovely. I found it on IFB and followed. You have gorgeous photography


  11. Love this! Followed you :)



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