
MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Soft and Gentle

I love a little bit of highlight every now and again — though now and again is more like every other day. As the summer fades, so does my tan and sometimes Benefit's Sunbeam is just a bit too bronze for what I'm looking for. That's when I reach for this gorgeous little highlighter.

MAC MSF in Soft and Gentle is the most perfect, perfect, and did I mention... perfect highlighter. Why? Because it looks good on basically all skin types all year round. Not to mention that it lasts forever. I've had this one for a few months now and it looks like I've barely touched it. It's pretty subtle when applied to the cheeks and cheekbones (hence the swatch I did), but still gives you the most gorgeous natural glow. Every time I use it I'm reminded why it's a product that most bloggers/beauty junkies adore and use on the daily. 

What do you guys think of Soft and Gentle? What are some of your favorite highlighters?


  1. oh this is definitely one of my must have products! my other favourite highlighter is thebalm's mary lou-manizer, its similar but with a bit more punch to it xx

    1. Oh I definitely need to check that out! I've never used any products by thebalm so this would be a good place to start I guess :) also the packaging is adorable!! x

  2. One of the best hightlighters out there ! You should try mac silver dusk you will love it !

    Xx Liyana

  3. It looks gorgeous! The only highlighter I have is the Elizabeth Arden Rose Gold one, and I love it!

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! Check out my latest blog post for details :)

  4. the only highlighter i've ever used is benefit's moonbeam, though i like the look of this one! i might have to have a look for it next time i'm in a department store.

    little henry lee

  5. What lip product are you wearing here? Looks fab!

  6. Hi! Would you compare MAC S&G to Benefits High Beam? Can't decide which one should I buy :) the more frosty (shiny) one ....!

    1. Hiya! So to me those products are completely different. This is a nice natural shimmery sheen where as High Beam is extremely pearlescent and is way too pink for my skin tone. I'd recommend swatching both and seeing what you like! x

  7. L'Oreal Infallible Le Rouge in Rambling Rose!

  8. Miss Chelsea - how the heck do you get your hair to do that?

    1. Enrapture Totem Styler! They're only available in the US but you can order off eBay and use with a US outlet adapter! http://www.thedauphine.com/2012/08/enrapture-encode-totem-styler-part-i.html :) x


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