
Laura Mercier Shimmer Bloc in Peach Mosaic

I'm a huge fan of Laura Mercier products, or atleast the ones I've tried. I used her Silk Creme Foundation every day and though the thought of trying something else has crossed my mind, I'm not sure I'd ever make the switch. Her products are always really amazing quality so when I saw this I knew I had to have it!

I've had this for quite some time now (three months maybe?) and absolutely love using it as a highlighter on the apples of my cheeks and along my cheekbones. It gives a really beautiful glow and looks even better in the sunlight. I'm really into highlighters and anything that brightens my face so this product is definitely something I love using. The bloc itself is seriously gorgeous, I mean, look at it. I usually use my Real Techniques stippling brush to apply; swirling it in the shimmer bloc and stippling/buffing it into my cheeks and around until I get the finish I like. 

What do you guys think of the Laura Mercier Shimmer Bloc? What are some of your favorite highlighters?


  1. you look pretty! :) I've never really thought about this, i guess cause I was worried about the shimmer. lol

    1. Thank you! You should go into Sephora and check them out! They're actually really subtle and the shimmers are quite nice :) x

  2. This sounds like a great product.

  3. Think I'll be taking a better look at these one. Sounds great:)
    Sara xx

  4. Now you got me curious and I think I should go check it out hahaha...

    You have a great blog and great pictures! I'm a new follower via gfc :)

    Yours truly,
    hope you can follow me at Aubzielation and Party Prints & Pieces

  5. This looks so gorgeous! Now I want to check it out ;)



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