
mixtape 03 · songs for ghosts

Life is a little funny sometimes. One minute you think you understand and the next you're swept off your feet and exhausted from not knowing It's funny how that works. I've been away for a while but *fingers crossed* I'll do my best to stick around. I miss this space.

I've been really into music that has an eerie aspect to it — but like, when is that not true about the music I like? Long drawn out instrumentals and pop-like beats with a little bit of mystery. Queue smoke machine and loads of witchy candles. Am I predictable yet?!?!

This little mix is a compilation of all of the songs that have kept me sane these past two months. I'm thankful for the little escape that a compilation of sounds and voices can provide. Something that keeps me from just floatin' on away into some crazy unknown oblivion in a whole other dimension. I feel eerily like myself again. I'm totally a ghost. Now I'm just talking shit. Anyway, enjoy the mix. 



  1. I like eerie music with strong vocals, which is why I'm a big fan of Florence + the Machine and now London Grammar. Your mix sounds amazing. x

    Nerve Wires

  2. Judging from the music you've talked about in this post, something tells me you'll love Alt-J -- give the song 'Taro' a listen. It's superb! I went to England again last October and someone I met there really turned me on to this band. Alt-J are starting to have a really big following there. At first, it took me a while to get used to their album because their sound is so different from anything I'd ever heard before. After a few listens, though, I was sold.

  3. Your taste in music is just flawless. I was going to comment on all the amazing songs you featured, but that's really just the whole playlist and for the songs I haven't heard, I just know I'm going to love them! I'll give this a listen tomorrow (I really should sleep right now) and I'll report back. :) I'm especially excited to see Röyksopp on here as they're the band that pretty much changed my life forever and I'll forever be grateful to the whole new world of electronic music they introduced me to.

    And yes, you really do need to stick around more often. We miss you too! <3


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