
Essie Berry Naughty

Essie Berry Naughty · $8.50

I guess you could say I'm on a berry kick at the moment. Berry nails, very berry lips, and actually, I've been downing some amazing smoothies during brunch as of late.

I never used to be a dark nails kind of girl. I've always felt somewhat intimidated by them, if I'm quite honest. But now? I seem to be 1000% channeling my inner witch. I slightly blame all the Fleetwood Mac I've been listening to, but hey, I'm just doing my thing (and plus, who can deny the greatness that is Stevie Nicks?!).

Let's be real though, this color is pretty amazing. I'm still not sure if I love it as much as Essie Wicked, which was the last color I donned on my lil finger tips, but it's up there in deep polishes that I adore. The name is soooo punny but I 'spose I am berry naughty as of late. Har har.

As an aside: I absolutely loathe how Essie's polishes wear. I'm lucky if I can get a good five days out of them and that's with a solid coat of Seche Vite. I expect a bit more from such a popular company that isn't on the cheap side. But alas, the color range is incredible and I personally can't seem to keep away (obviously). So if you don't mind having to redo your manicure every few days and are looking for a lovely deep purpley red, go. for. it.

What are some of your favorite dark polishes? I'm definitely in the market for some new colors!


  1. Have you tried Sole Mate from Essie? Or Chanel Rouge Noir, however Chanel polishes chip after one day! L x

    1. Sole Mate looks super similar but still super pretty. I'll look! Also ugh I'm not sure I could deal with a polish that chips in a day. That drives me craaaazy! <3 x

  2. Yay first to comment welcome back mrs! Loving your photography here! The nail varnish is beautiful perfect for cosy days in with these cold winter days :) Becki from www.lifelooksperfect.com xx

  3. Super pretty! I just bought some nude polish from Sonia Kashuk's line that I'm positively in love with. #yaynails

  4. Such a gorgeous shade! Shame about the lasting power though x

    A Little Treat | Beauty & Fashion Blog

  5. Try Revlon Color Stay base coat...I can usually keep my Essie manicures for a week with that base coat! Also another great berry shade is Essie Bahama Mama.

  6. This is such a beautiful shade! And the name is so cute!
    I've noticed that newer Essie shades wear much better than older ones... I've also recently started using the Nail Foundation base coat and Hardwear top coat from Butter London and those two have been doing a great job at keeping my manicure in place.


  7. It's so good to have you back, Chelsea! I really did miss you. I'm siding with your opinion on Essie polishes--they never last long on me. But, then again, I do love painting my nails.... xo

    Lillian from Parisian To Be

  8. I would love to try this but im not sure about the lasting power!

    Berrie-Blogs| Beauty Blog

  9. Orly Naughty is my favorite! So dark it's almost black, but with really pretty deep wine undertones. Also wears really well and doesn't stain with a basecoat! I've especially been loving it with matte topcoat lately.

  10. i love dark nail polishes, i always love the nails inc. colours xxx

  11. This looks gorgeous, I love the colour so much! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD


P.S. I don't want this to be spammy but I am also hosting a £50 Giveaway at the moment if you wanted to enter here

  12. Was just thinking how much I missed your blog :) Try CND's Sticky Base with it, it truly is amazing at making a polish chip free x

  13. It looks lovely. I haven't tried any Essie polishes before but Berry Naughty would make for the perfect venture eh? I love me some dark berries for this time of year. Shame about the wear time and overall lasting power but I can't say that I truly mind. :)

  14. yay so happy to see a new post from you!! I'm loving Revlon Vixen but it chips like a mofo. Essie School Boy Blazer is good one, a nice almost black navy blue.

  15. I've been loving Essie Bordeaux but this is beautiful as well. I love dark nail polishes and adore the Essie offerings. I have my eyes on so many of their darker shades. xx
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

  16. This is such a nice colour! I never wear berry colours so might buy this!

  17. Though it's not quite a berry, Essie's Wicked is similar to this color and one of my absolute favorites. Though I can't wait for the spring, I will be sad to see dark nails go!


  18. Love this shade :)



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