
mixtape 02 · autumnal

Can I just say thank god this is getting posted because seriously?!?!?! this mix took me ages. I'm still kind of getting into the groove of what I'm into this ~season~ but this is basically it in a nutshell. An hour long nutshell. 

I'm into down to earth stuff lately; music with some kind of eerie earthy undertone (hello Misty Day). Not sure exactly what it is — maybe it's my pure and unadulterated love for the Coven. Maybe it's because all the clothes I've bought as of late are black, as if that's anything new. I feel slightly melancholic but still happy. It's weird.

Autumn reminds me of all of the music I've missed. The stuff I've forgotten with the tides of the summer. I'm loving revisiting my favorite soundtracks because god damn how good is New Order?! Maybe it was just that Mercury was in retrograde and so this all just seems right.

ps. always Phoenix
pps. new Duck Tails is fucking ace

Once again :

8tracks too.


  1. I literally cannot stop thinking about Lily Allen.

  2. I can't get enough of American Horror Story: Coven! I just finished Ep 3 (just as you think it couldn't get any more twisted they go there...) so good!

    Gemma // DuggyDimples

  3. I love finding new music, thank you poppet xXx

  4. So in love with your taste in music! Bourgeois is my favourite track from Phoenix's latest album. I'm going to see them live again for the third time next year, I'm so excited! I'm loving Cults' new album too, my personal favourite is High Road. Ceremony by New Order from the Marie Antoinette soundtrack? YES. I'll forever be thankful to Sofia Coppola to introducing me to so much good music. She is just a goddess.



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