
BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector in Moonstone

BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector in Moonstone / $41

I can't believe it's taken me this long to review this — I've had it since January or so and have used it almost every day since. It's one of those things that although is a small step, seems to make quite the difference. As of late, powder highlighters just aren't doing it for me (says the one who kind of wants to buy this). For some reason I don't like they way they sit on my skin and I think that's just it; they sit instead of seamlessly blending in. I know, I know. It's probably my application, maybe I'm not buffing enough, maybe it just doesn't suit me.

After seeing this stuff in Sephora, I knew I wanted to get my grubby little paws on it. Shade-wise, I opted for Moonstone, a pale gold which seems to suit my light yet yellow-toned complexion perfectly. I was hoping this would be the kind of highlighter that went with anything. One that wasn't overbearing yet gave me a nice visible glow (duh). Let's just say it does everything I want, just as I want it to.

I tend to use this one of three ways:

· I mix it up with my NARS Pro-prime and apply like a primer. This is perfect for when I want my whole face to be nice and glowy, yay.
· I apply to the tops of my cheekbones, bridge of my nose, and cupids bow (with my fingers) after applying my primer. This is great if you only want to do specific areas and want it to be more subtle.
· Apply it on on top of my foundation, where ever I'd like it to be. This is what I do if I want a bit more glow.

I find that no matter how I apply, it doesn't sit on top of my skin and doesn't make me look greasy either. Just a natural looking sunny day glow. As far as highlighters go, this is easily holy grail for me. It's by far my favorite daytime highlighter. At night I sometimes do prefer to pop on some extra highlighter oomph, but I normally still wear this underneath.

What do you guys think of this highlighter? What are your favs?


  1. Thanks for the review, I've been looking for a nice shimmer for a while, this one sounds greats.
    I do find that powder ones tend to just sit on my skin also, maybe i'm not applying it right.


  2. Im quiet the opposite - I am not the biggest fan of liquid highlighters but this look beautiful!

  3. You make this sound absolutely lovely!! I haven't dabbled in liquid highlighters much so I don't have any recommendations but it sounds like you found a winner already :)


  4. I should definitely see if my Sephora carries this product (I don't think I've ever seen it there before). I'm always on the look-out for an amazing highlighter - I actually already have that same Dior powder highlighter on my wish list ;)

  5. I prefer liquid highlighters as well! You've hit the nail on the head about how powder highlighters just "sit" while liquid highlighters "blend."

    I think I'd rather try to find a dupe for this though - as nice as it sounds, that price is intimidating. I'm currently using stila's all-over shimmer liquid illuminator (I've had it for ages) as a go-to liquid highlighter and I'm fairly pleased with it.

  6. looks like a great highlighter. i would love to try it. You should def get the dior highlighter soon because i heard they were being discontinued. :(

  7. This looks gorgeous. I definitely prefer liquid highlighters too! I've wanted to try BECCA products ever since I saw Millie Macintosh reviewing them. Will definitely be giving this a go. X

  8. i have a small one of another shade, opal maybe? and i haven't even used it yet! I totally want a lighter shade too. EEP

  9. Very useful review, thank you!

  10. I have yet to dabble into the world of highlighters. Because for a start I don't really know how to apply it perfectly. But if I were to make a purchase, I think I'll consider this offering from Becca. I'm not really a fan of powder products as I have quite a dry skin, I often find they just accentuate the dry areas of my face so this being a liquid highlighter sounds great to me. I tend to be lazy with my make-up too so a product that applies easily and is a simple step but makes a remarkable difference is right up my alley :)


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