
April 2013 Non-Beauty Favorites!

I figured this month would be a good one to start a non-beauty favorites type post. Most especially because I've blogged less and been busy with so many other things!

Firstly, these candles. I've seen them around and have wanted them forever but have only just bought them. Richard liked the Santiago Huckleberry which smells fruity but in a soft, sweet, candle type way. I, however, opted for Baltic Amber which smells quite like amber and vanilla; musky but still soft. So good. Their burn time seems pretty high considering we've been burning them every night now for a week and there is still a ton left. So happy with them. Maybe one day I'll graduate to Diptyque.

Homemade lavender spray. Something in me is seriously obsessed with lavender at the moment (I blame a mixture of LUSH and my restorative yoga class). I picked up a little spray bottle and some essential lavender oil and made my own spray. I love spritzing this stuff all over the sheets before bed as it's the perfect scent to fall asleep to. So easy to make and the results are just as good (if not better due to lack of crappy ingredients) than sprays you can get at the store.

I feel like it's kind of weird to be talking about my iPad mini here but lets be real. I've been using my iPad way more than my MacBook this past month which is saying something. The Mini is the perfect size for reading and bringing along with you to wherever you're going. Also, GAMES. I've been playing Hello Kitty Kawaii Town which sounds ridiculous (and is) but it's basically like Hay Day/Farmville Helly Kitty style.
PS Richard and I finally released Kaomoji app for iPad, so check that out!

Lastly? YOGA. I have been doing yoga basically religiously for the past three and a half weeks and I am obsessed. Again. I've been doing at least a class a day minus weekends — rotating between Bikram, Vinyasa, Restorative, and Yin. The fact that my anxiety has gone down a ton + feeling like I'm on top of the world in Standing Bow pose = total bliss. Can't stop, won't stop (ever). This is real love, guys.

What are your April non-beauty favorites?


  1. Love the yoga tops!


  2. I have those candles in my flat, too. Lovely scents and beautiful packaging.
    Lately I'm really into my Volcano by Capri Blue candle which smells like a fruit roll up and has lasted forever.

  3. Fun post! Love your yoga outfits! I need to get back into yoga----especially with you talking about how less stressed you are! Need that in my life! lol


  4. Such pretty photos! I love yoga too and shopping for yoga clothes... Lululemon and Zella/Unit-Y at Nordstrom have really cute pieces!

    Ellie | Ellalogy 

    1. Thank you! Yeah!! My shorts, white crops, and coral tank are all from Lulu. I think I may have an addiction. x

  5. I keep debating whether or not I should try yoga. Like, I've been contemplating it for over a year now! I think this post has finally convinced me though. My sister is an exercise maven and she goes to yoga every week, so maybe I'll ask if I can come along with her. I'm just a little afraid of having people look or stare at me -- I hate that feeling and I'm really self-conscious. I think it's about time I try something new though :)

    Yay for iPads! My Pops won one when the second generation came out a couple of years ago and he ended up giving it to me for my birthday. I remember thinking "what the hell am I going to do with this when I already have a Macbook and an iMac??" but seriously? I take my iPad with me EVERYWHERE! It's so handy and lovely to look at :) Plus, my nephew (who is 4) calls it my "pad." HAHA! "Auntie Nessa, I'm going to go get your pad outta your purse!" Little rascal.

    1. Hahahah!

      The thing about yoga is everyone else is too busy concentrating on their breathing/poses to stare or look at anyone else! It's nothing like being at the gym! x

    2. Oh God, don't mention the gym to me! I tried it out for a good three months and I absolutely hated it. I was grossed out at the thought of so many people sweating in one room, all over the equipment, and not cleaning it off. *shudder* Plus, all the older men would stare at the women and it was nasty. I SO didn't want to be there.

  6. Those candles are so gorgeous looking... and sound like they smell great too!! Thanks for reminding me I need to start trying yoga again as well; it really does seem like the perfect way to unwind and destress :)


  7. I love the Voluspa candles! I bought one on my trip in Boston last year and the smell is amazing! It's one of those candles that you sniff, don't think you need and then come back it! I think I need to start doing Yoga or some sort of exercising but finding the time is so hard):

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

  8. i've always wanted to get a few voluspa candles but never get around to it. i'm loving the ipad mini too!!!!

  9. The Gogi Tarocco Orange scent of those Voluspa candles is probably my favorite candle ever.

  10. love the rose background! Can you tell me where you got that from? I want it so badly x.x


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