
Unpopular Opinion: NARS Sheer Glow

Oh, what's this? A cult favorite and a go-to/holy grail among some bloggers? That's exactly what it is — just not to me.

I'm a fan of NARS and their products. There's no denying that! That said, this foundation and I didn't get along at all which was partly heartbreaking, but I've learned not everything that is hyped is worth it. Remember when I wrote about buying NARS Pro-Prime (which I now love)? This was bought at the same time, in December. Since then I've used it a total of four times (including the above shot).

I was unsure about it from the beginning but thought I'd buy to take home anyway — silly me. So many of my favorite bloggers love this stuff, so wouldn't I? Upon applying with a Real Techniques buffing brush, something just didn't feel right to me. It seemed so unnatural, unlike my YSL and Laura Mercier foundations. I don't have dry skin but it seemed to cling to any spot with even the teensiest bit of dryness, especially around my nose. I tried it with a light hand, with my hands, with numerous brushes and nothing seemed to work for me. I even tried switching up my bases and letting it warm up in my hands. I didn't ever get the dewy/natural finish that people said this gives. To me it just felt a bit too heavy. Maybe I need to step up my application game? Who knows.

Then I wondered how the NARS MUA had made it look so good. Was it the lighting in Harvey Nichols? Or maybe the fact that I'm way too impressionable and if you try to talk me into buying something by sweet talking me, I probably will?  Either way I'm sad to say that this foundation just isn't for me. I'm not saying that it's awful — many a beauty blogger love this stuff (just ask Meg or Estée) — it just isn't my cup of tea! So now... I'm selling it.

Where do you guys stand on the NARS Sheer Glow front?


  1. I love NARS sheer glow and have dry skin, funny how some products work for others :( I use it with a really dense sigma brush, and blend the hell out of it! x

  2. I honestly haven't tried the NARS Sheer Glow foundation but I know that gossmakeupartist (on YouTube) also dislikes this foundation so know that you're not alone :)


  3. I got a sample of the Urban Decay Naked foundation this weekend and despite REALLY not wanting to like it, I've worn it two days in a row and I think I really do. It's the opposite of your problem with Sheer Glow, it actually seems to minimize the look of any dry patches for me.

  4. I agree, I got a sample of this hoping it would be perfect for me, but it's just a tad too drying. I feel like I've tried so many foundations now I just want to find one that suits me!


  5. i've had the same experience with nars sheer glow! it just didn't work for me, so i ended up returning it. i totally agree with it sticking to dry patches... i felt like it just didn't sink into my skin no matter how i applied it.


  6. I haven't tried it, but I really want to!
    I've heard that this is either a complete hit or a miss for people, so I think I'll have to give it a try myself and see how it goes for my skin.

    xx elín

  7. Love the honesty! Still very torn though because one the one hand I heard it clings to dry patches and on the other I heard it doesn't! It's one of those foundations you've got to try for yourself I guess!

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. It's super weird especially because I don't really have dry skin. It just settles around my nose :(

  8. I love NARS sheer glow for the first couple of hours, but it wears so badly on me and starts migrating into lines etc over time. Less is definitely more and applying with fingers is definitely the best method of application.

  9. i've been trying out a sample of this and realize it's not for me. I have dry skin and it definitely clings to my dry spots. no good. i need something with more moisture.

  10. Your not alone on this! I never liked it as well! It's too drying for my skin.

  11. Your not alone on this! I never liked it as well! It's too drying for my skin.

  12. It works really well for me and I have very dry skin with an oily t-zone. I actually apply it with the Real Techniques stippling brush after getting it a bit damp (to thin out the coverage a bit) and I make sure to have a good base of moisturizer/primer. I guess for me, just getting it down to a very light layer has worked the best, and I absolutely love how it looks!! I noticed when it's applied too heavily the texture is unnatural (cakey on me), like you said, and it tends to stick to certain areas. Everyone is different though!!

  13. Oh wow, this is the first I'm hearing of someone not liking NARS Sheer Glow! This became my new favourite foundation last year. Maybe it's a skin type thing? I don't have any dryness, so it applies evenly and nicely on me. I use the Real Techniques buffing brush as well. It's refreshing to read about a product someone dislikes that everybody likes! I know sometimes the hype around something can get annoying. :p I'm curious to try Laura Mercier Silk Creme foundation, but I'm still loving NARS a lot for now.


  14. Honestly, I've heard bad reviews about this! Apparently it's not sheer whatsoever (deceiving given the name), and overall a very unpleasant product. Glad you gave your honest opinion!


  15. I tried a sample of this and didn't like the finish...it looked makeup-y. Which is weird since those who rave say it looks so natural. Maybe its a dry skin problem? Just goes to show you should've give into the hype of certain products! x

  16. that's such a shame that it doesn't seem to suit your skin very well. :( i'm pretty cautious when it comes to foundation because they're one of the more expensive beauty products and because i think it's the most important one to get the colour right with. i'm super pale and would hate to waste $40-50 on something that doesn't suit me in terms of colour, let alone formula as well, so although it means there could be something better out there for me for now i just stick with MAC's studio fix!

  17. It's funny, because it happened to me with bourjois healthy mix foundation. Or.. maybe the problem is that it is not for my skin type... But I have normal to dry skin, so it should work for me. But it just looks awful. So, I totally understand your disappointment!

  18. I didn't like this foundation at first because the finish wasn't as dewy as I thought it would be, but then I applied it with the CVS version of the Beauty Blender and I loved how it looked! It was much more natural looking and dewy.

    1. I heard applying with a beauty blender is the best way other than doing it with your hands, but I'm still not sure I'll get along with it! x

  19. That's funny. I also didn't get on with it, but that's because my t-zone is slightly oily. By mid-day I felt like it looked too glowy and oily and I needed to blot. I guess its why I tend to go with more matte foundations. (I used a beauty blender, btw, and liked the look of it on my skin at first.)

    Someone mentioned Urban Decay Naked foundation. I have to say, I enjoy that one too.

  20. I wanted to try this but now have second thoughts! Thanks to this honest review :)

  21. I've been wanting to give this a go but it gets such mixed reviews - definitely a love/hate product. For the price I'm not sure if it's worth trying it after all x

  22. That is such a shame for such an expensive product but there are products that just aren't what they are hyped up to be, or are just not you.
    A really good well written review, and as always your pictures are delightful :D <3


  23. I totally agree with you! I can be such a sheep when it comes to beauty products, no naturally, I brought this home after watching one too many Pixiwoo videos. I wasn't a fan, it clung to and created dry patches (especially on my nose and cheeks) even though I exfoliated and moisturized beforehand. It genuinely was the first and only Nars product I didn't like.

    Jillian Jillicious Cosmetics

  24. I just bought this a few weeks ago and I've only worn it twice but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. It definitely wasn't love at first sight like with my Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer. Something about it just doesn't look totally natural on me?? I think I'll ditch the buffing brush and try to blend it in with my fingers next time. I was also annoyed from the start because I think a 40€ foundation should come with a pump, but instead I ended up paying 4€ for one. Boohiss!!!

  25. i liked this foundation when i was in college, but i haven't tried it since. it has been a while! anyway, i hated that this didn't have a pump back then. Oh well, there's plenty other foundations to try, right?? :)

  26. It just doesn't work for me either! It sits in my pores despite how much primer and pore minimiser I use first. I'm really disappointed and will still to my Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua!



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