
Accessory: a-thread zig zag metallic bangles

The lovelies over at a-thread were kind enough to send me a few bits to wear and review — the first is a set of metallic bangles. I'm warming up to the idea of accessorizing more, especially as I find brands that do things to my taste. I usually don't confine myself to wearing one type of metal; I'm always donning a bit of rose gold along with some silver and platinum. That said, had I thought about wearing four different colors before? Nope, not really. Then came these babies.

You don't have to wear them together, but I mean, why the hell would you not? They look really great together and even though the bangle-noise leaves much to be desired, they add just the right amount of somethin' somethin' to your outfit. They also look really cute with my rings so I'm a happy bunny.

As I step out of my comfort zone I'm starting to find a lot of pieces that I really really love that I may not have noticed before. I feel like (weirdly) the more I let go of things I'm unsure about, the more I grow as a person — as silly as that may sound.

What do you guys think of these bracelets? What are some of your favorite pieces and accessories?
P.S. Shoutout to my girl Erin for that bunny photo. ILY. 


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