
The Perfect Cut

December: It was the longest my hair had been in years and I wasn't sure what to do with it. I saw photos of myself and the long bangs and layers left a lot to be desired. My face looked long, my hair lacked that specific something I'd been looking to achieve, so I headed to the salon. Leaving with a not-so-great and pretty boring cut I was left to figure out what to do next. I had some ideas but wasn't sure about the execution. Where to go? What inspiration to bring? I knew what I wanted, but would it suit me? Then along came yesterday. 

Give me a Godard film and I'll melt like your favorite lipstick on a hot summer's day. My heart beats for that stuff. I yearn to be so effortlessly chic and cool; the hair, the makeup, everything. I wasn't blessed enough to have been born in the 60's in the midst of the new wave movement, I'm no Parisienne (yet), but I'll be damned if I can't try to achieve that hair.

I head to the salon with a knot in my chest because while I know it won't be drastic, I know it'll be different from what it's been the last 3 years of my life. However this time, it will be exactly what I've craving those past three years. I show my new stylist a few photos and we get to talking, she gets it, I'm feeling good. After a cup of licorice tea, a scalp massage and a good 'ol washing, the scissors appeared and bit by bit my longish locks fell to the floor. An hour later I had -2 inches of the length and bangs. At first I was pretty shocked because it was so different to me. An hour after? Unsure/slight regret/help. Six hours later? I'm eating swiss + butter and bouncing around to this.

I've finally achieved my one hair goal. The hair goal. While I may not be perfectly channeling Françoise, it's enough for me and I'm in love. 

Photos via xx, x / Shirt via Popbasic*


  1. I absolutely adore it! p.s. your writing is amazing :)

    1. Yay thank you so much! I want to start doing more posts like this + writing so that's a huge compliment <3 x

  2. I love it! It frames your face perfectly.

  3. Honestly, Chels, you look so beautiful. I totally get it too. Charlotte Rampling will forever be my hair muse.


  4. Glad you're finally at a happy point with your hair!! I hope I find my perfect cut someday but I think my hair has too much of a mind of its own that it'll never listen to what me or my hair dresser wants haha.


  5. This entry was very well written :D I enjoyed it immensely!

    You sure do look French to me ... lovely!

  6. so cute so cute so cute! :) I need to cut my hair too. it is getting.. grown out lol

  7. You look gorgeous...and very parisienne!

  8. You look amazing hair is such a personal thing its crazy how much it can affect our mood and style. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow and am going to get a fringe cut in. fingers crossed I'll come out looking like Bardot! x

  9. This is a gorgeous cut, it's so pretty



  10. You are beautiful! And I thought you were Parisienne! ♥ the BLOG! I always read your posts despite not commenting all the time :) Just so you know ;)

    1. Oh, thank you so much! If you count being 25% French as being Parisienne, maybe I can get by ;) xx


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