
i'm back!!!!

Oh, hello. It's been a while, hasn't it. I'm kind of the worst at this. I'm sorry.  It's okay though because things are different now and I feel good about it.

I'm in Brooklyn now! What's up New York~! I guess I'm not sure how to go about this because I don't really feel like the same person that I was when I started this blog. Things change, I've changed! I thought about doing another 30 Things post, what do you guys think? In the mean time: here are some snippets of my life lately; I'm so happy.

p.s. let me know what kind of posts you guys like seeing best! 


  1. I would love a thirty things!! also love your mood boards. really, anything!

  2. I'd love to see a thirty things - so glad you're back! :)

  3. Definitly do a 30 things post!


  4. Hey Chelsea so good to see you back! Missed your posts.., A lot has changed when you were gone, so probably a roundup of what you've been upto would be great! :-)

    Divya | TheConscienceFund

  5. Missed you! Glad you seem so happy x


  6. I am SO happy you are back ! The internet has missed you dearly but I am glad you are loving life ! I would love to see a 30 things post or any other life update ! Looking forward to more posts from you xx

    Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have really enjoyed the playlists you have put together, as well as mood boards and anything beauty related! So glad you are back - Your site is one of my very favorites.

  9. ah so happy you're back! I really did miss your posts. I'd love to read a 30 things post:)


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