
moodboard: cinq

I don’t want to live, I want to love first and live incidentally.” 

PSA: I'm kind of over the cold. Since moving back to the East Coast from California, I've encountered quite a few snow storms, state of emergencies, and possibly too many cups of tea. I'm ready for warm(er) weather. Lazy days mean that moodboarding is back in full swing, as is my peach obsession (oops?). It happens.

These beauty-wants aren't much of a suprise — at some point I'll to replenish the Diptyque Do Son solid perfume that my lil bb Zack got me for Christmas, and I've been eyeing up the EDP. I do really adore the solid though, so I may have to just get another of those. /indecisive. And while I love me some Klorane dry shampoo, the new Bb Prêt-à-Powder looks pretty freakin' amazing. Aside from it being dry shampoo, it'll be great to use on clean hair days for a bit of extra oomph. I have a mini of Benefit's Watt's Up but at some point I'll cave and purchase the full size. It is one of the best highlighters ever, isn't it?

My current daily bag should probably not be used as a daily bag and lately I've been on a bucket bag kick. This Jujumade bucket bag looks perfect and is giving another contender a run for it's money.  It's too perfect. Toooooo perfect.

If you're not familiar, I'm really into Fleetwood Mac. I saw this print of Stevie and feel like I pretty much need it in my life. Keeping with the slight witchy theme in my life, this Two Moon cuff is calling my name but dang, that price is keeping me far, far away.

Housewares-wise, I'm loving the look of this Marbled Pinch Pot to keep my rings and dainty things in. It's the perfect nude shade if you ask me. Plus I feel like a bit of rose gold would look amazing set inside it. Lastly, a jasmine scented candle by A.P.C. Floral scents for Spring? Yeah, that kind of cliché.

It's nice to be back. Now gimme some sun, pretty please. 

/ quote by Zelda Fitzgerald 
/ photos via Lotte Janssens + Magdalena Nishe


  1. I love these moodboard posts that you do. And I'm with you: spring, please come, please come!

    xo Lillian from Parisian To Be

  2. Oh, I didn't know you'd moved! Wow, looks like you picked the worst time - yikes! I live in Toronto and it seems like every storm the US gets on the east coast moves up north to us. I heard our local weatherman on the news say that this has been the worst winter on record since 1993. Normally, I love winter but even I'm starting to get sick of it.

  3. I'm also loving bucket bags right now. Currently considering the Saturday by Kate Spade one as it's super affordable!

  4. it is so horribly cold in chicago ugh. At least there's sun and some days of not so extreme cold. i love wearing watt's up on my eyes actually - totally random! anyway, stay warm :)


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