
OPI Samoan Sand

 OPI Samoan Sand / $6

Last week I found and lusted (hard) over a very very lovely nude polish, which I featured in my latest moodboard. Nude colors are just so chic to me, but as a pale and yellow toned gal, I find it hard to find the right nude to suit my skin. When I saw this photo of Samoan Sand however, I was absolutely, totally, whole-heartedly convinced.

Nudes remind me of France. Maybe it's because of how effortlessly delicate yet dignified they are. Maybe it's because the idea of nude polish paired with a Breton shirt makes me want to be sipping wine at some café in Paris discussing who knows what with the love of my life. Something un-ironically romantic and chic, and not in a try-hard sort of way. Things like that just make so sense in my mind to the point where I might obsess over the idea until it becomes a reality in my life.

Samoan Sand is above all things, flattering. It's not too yellow or pink; I find that most nudes are more one than the other (usually pink) but this is truly and genuinely, a neutral. It's the kind of color that is a statement in and of itself. While it's not a bright blue or mint green, it's somehow still alluring in quite the same way. Your eyes are drawn to the lack of contrast between nail color and skin tone. To me, this is honestly the perfect nail color ever. One that will never go out of style or be considered tacky — it's very elegant and ever so slightly provocative, as flesh tones can sometimes be.

The formula is wonderful and painting was a total breeze as the OPI brushes are near perfect, size and all. I'm hoping the lasting power of this is as great as I remember it to be, although I'm sure that I'll be wearing this daily for the next few months so I won't mind if I have to every 5 days. I haven't really used any OPI polishes in a while, but they make me nostalgic for middle school and high school when I used to go to my mom to her favorite nail salon and get myself a set of pretty acrylics.

I'm more of an au-naturale kind of girl now, as you can tell.


  1. I love natural nails too. I find they just looks classier, you know? I'll experiment with color on my toes, but my nails are usually in some nudey-pink. Right now, I'm loving the Zoya Jessika and Avery! I'll definitely have to check out that OPI polish though!

    1. Oh, I haven't tried anything from Zoya so I'll have to check them out. I quite like experimenting with my nail color but lately I'm feeling a bit like I want something understated! x

  2. Love the shade ! Also, is your skirt from urban outfitters?

    Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World

    1. Thank you! No, not Urban! My skirt is the Helmut Lang Asymmetric Wrap! x

  3. i like the skirt! The nail polish is super pretty on you :) I've never found the right nude for me, though i suppose i haven't looked hard enough hahaha

    1. Thank ya! You should try this one. It might suit you! x

  4. $6!? I wish I could get my hands on OPI polishes for $6. Now I need to find this polish because it's so darn gorgeous.


  5. Love the shade. I have to say nudes remind me of France as well, well all neutral colors do. I've definitely calmed down on the amount of colors I wear now. I'll wear a bright nail polish once in a while but as for clothes I'm trying to stick to neutrals.

    Thanks for sharing the shade, I'm going to try to look for it. :)


    1. It's sooo gorgeous. Anything chic reminds me of France, I think. The link above will take you to the amazon page :) x

  6. Have you tried OPI Malaysian Mist??? It's more of a beige nude, but I think you'd love it. Your outfit is everything btw x


    1. Oh! That kind of looks like a much ligher version of Essie's Eternal Optimist! I'm trying to stray from the pinks but that one is soooo pretty I might just have to indulge :) also thank you! xxxx

  7. What a lovely shade! I'll have to check this one out for myself :).


  8. Ohh it's so beautiful! I love nude polishes :)x

  9. This is my favourite nude polish, I absolutely love it.

  10. A beautiful colour this is, it does remind me a little of Barry M 'Lychee'
    Amy xx
    A Little Boat Sailing


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