
Revlon Nail Enamel in Flirt

Revlon Nail Enamel in Flirt / $3.99

This sunny California weather is doing weird things to me. Firstly, I've been radiating positivity for the last week (could be the yoga I've been doing, maybe), I've been cleaning a ton, and now I'm donning a blue-toned purple polish. Why is this out of the ordinary? Blue toned anything usually doesn't suit my olive complexion but ahhh, I couldn't leave the store without this one.

It's a nice change from my normal mint green or lilac and it's just bright enough to be cheerful without being obnoxious (though the name kind of is... Flirt, really??). Topped with Seche Vite makes this stuff last for a good 5 days (shout out to my dishwasher for allowing me to have a nice manicure). I'm not the kind of person who likes to change their nail color every few days, so longer lasting power = happy me. I have a feeling that I'll be keeping this color for on for as long as I can stand it. There's something about this polish that I just adore. Not to mention that it was only $3.99 plus tax, win!

Have you guys tried any Revlon polishes? What are your favorite colors?


  1. This colour is gorgeous - so great for spring! I'm loving your knuckle rings darling :)

  2. I never thought a nail color could make me gasp. I was wrong.

  3. I'm quite a fan of revlon's pastels and brights,this one is beautiful! xo

  4. Oh my this looks like a really lovely color... I can't believe I haven't seen it before!! Revlon makes some of my favorite nail polishes so I could recommend a million but one of my tried and trues is "Grey Suede" :)


  5. I have this colour and I LOVE IT!! - check out my swatch http://corynleebeauty.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/another-chemist-warehouse-mini-haul.html

  6. I love clashing different undertones of color with your skin undertones, I think its just such glamour. P.s. this will sound weird, maybe, but your fingers are actually beautiful, as are you nails! xx

  7. Beautiful colour- reminds of of Lilac Dream by Models Own xx

  8. I have Whimsical but it's a tad sheer and stuffed with glitter! What I can recommend is their ColorStay top and base coat! If you're looking for your manicures to last I'd HIGHLY recommend you try them out! I painted my nails on Monday and there's still not a single chip in my polish! This lilac color is really lovely on you! I might pick it up as I don't have any shades like this! :)

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. I'll have to try that! But only after my beloved Seche Vite runs out! x

  9. I love Revlon's polishes! Cherries in the Snow is an all time favorite, but lately I've been into Dreamer.

  10. Revlon nail polishes are pretty fantastic, I prefer the new colorstay bottles as they look more sleek but what is inside is what matters. I have a few of these and they're some of my favourite polishes to wear :)

    Amy xx
    A Little Boat Sailing

  11. Gorgeous colour, I love Lilacs in springtime!

    http://hannahrebekahcampbell.blogspot.com x

  12. Gorgeous colour! xx


  13. My favourites are: Plum Night, Lilac pastelle, raven red, Minted, Ocean and Silver (which is actually a light grey).


  14. pretty shade:)X


  15. while i don't wear nail polish that much i do have a few revlon ones and i've always been pretty happy with them. i wish i could use nailpolish more often, but a) i'm really lazy and just let it chip and look awful for days before i can be bothered to take it off (bad!) and b) it really damages my nails when i wear it and take it off with nail polish remover. it sucks because there are so many pretty colours out there and i feel like i just shouldn't because my nails are a lot healthier when i don't. :(

    little henry lee

  16. love this color on you! :) i have a handful of revlon polishes ut haven't used them much yet. there are some glitters i'm eyeing though!

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