
Orly Foil FX Polish in Rage

Orly Rage · $8.50

Sooooo I don't usually do posts on nails. Scratch that, I never do posts about nails. Well, that's about to change... I hope. Unfortunately for me, I'm super prone to biting my nails when stressed/anxious/nervous/etc and I'm one of those people who is always stressed and therefore always biting. Sigh. So here I am again on a journey to grow them out for the holidays and hopefully keep them at a decent length. I'm wearing falsies in these photos but once they come off I'm 100% going to crack down and let them grow naturally. Funnily enough, when I do let them grow they get long, don't break or chip, and are generally really awesome — go figure. Also please excuse the slightly messy paint job, I'm a little rusty!

This is my first Orly polish and when I saw in the store it I knew I had to have it. Metallics are really in right now, or so it seems, and I'm falling for rose gold all over again. Overall, Rage is a super flattering color to have on your nails and goes with basically everything. The formula seems great so far and there's not much chipping or peeling as you can see (though I'm only three days in). This is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite nail polishes — so much to love!

What do you guys think of this color and Orly polishes in general? Also let me know if you'd like to see more nail posts in the future! 


  1. This is one of the few metallic nail polishes I wear. It's so pretty and light-reflecting yet manages to be relatively wearable for everyday life

  2. Nice nails. I love that nail polish!

  3. I was so unconvinced when I saw the first picture of it in the bottle but it looks so nice on your nails that I might buy a similar shade myself! Nail varnish never lasts on me though because I'm constantly working with my hands, being an art student adn al that, and it chips so quickly!


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